Hex Calculator

What Is The Hex Calculator? Everything You Need To Know

Hexadecimal is a rather particular number system with high application in computer-related fields. However, it is not so widely available in everyday life.

Therefore, a few people need help understanding the rules of doing basic hex subtraction with this number. The hex calculator is worth considering if you are interested in the hexadecimal system. Here are the complete guides to make it easier for you to work with this tool.

What Is A Hex Number?

The hexadecimal system is a number system. Like today's popular decimal system, hexadecimal can record digits and perform mathematical operations.

However, the hexadecimal system uses 16 digits instead of 10, like the decimal system, or two, like the binary system.

Sixteen digits in this hex system include numbers from 0 to 9 and letters from A to F. A, B, C, D, and F are equivalent to 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, respectively.

Using the rule is strange, so the hexadecimal system is less widely used daily. Instead, it often appears in the computer-related field.

This numbering system is preferred in some cases to binary. Compared with the two-digit system 0 and 1, the binary design is more compact and saves space.

What Is A Hex Calculator?

The binary calculator is a decimal converter to help people with little knowledge about this hexadecimal positional numeral system.

Experts can perform much simpler conversions or hex subtraction than before. If you are curious about this calculator, let's find out how it works.


To perform addition in hex multiplication, the calculator converts the hexadecimal letter to its decimal equivalent.

Then the expansion will be with the same rules as with numbers in decimal form.

For example, with the hex addition of 1E4 plus 33D, the calculator will automatically convert E to 14 and D to 13.

At this point, the unit row hex subtraction 4 + D will be 4 + 13. The result 17 in decimal will be equivalent to 11, and the remainder is 1 in binary.

In the tens decimal subtraction, we will have 14 + 1 + 3. The result is 18 in decimal and 12 in hexadecimal,

Finally, the hundreds addition of 1 + 1 + 3 results in 5 in decimal, corresponding to 5 in hexadecimal.

Hexadecimal subtraction calculator

The rules for hex subtraction with hex multiplication are the same as when adding. The only caveat you need to know is that borrowing numbers can happen when converting hex subtraction.

If you borrow 1 unit from the last decimal numbers, you will have to add 16 units to the current number instead of 10, as in the decimal system.

Hexadecimal multiplication calculator

Performing multiplication with this number system is only possible if you need help understanding the hexadecimal system and have specific math skills.

The rules for multiplying two hex multiplications are pretty complicated. It would be best if you did the conversion repeatedly every time a row is multiplied by a digit.

That is also the reason you should seek the help of a computer. This tool will quickly give results with the highest accuracy.

Hexadecimal division calculator

If you want to divide with a hexadecimal number system, you'd better convert this number system to decimal. Hence, you can calculate as usual and convert the result to hexadecimal.

Some hex addition calculators perform hex division by creating a multiplication table with the divisors and then dividing by the hex number itself. This method is quite effective and has high accuracy.

Convert Decimals to Hex And Vice Versa

You should convert this number type to decimal if you need more confidence to perform math arithmetic operations directly with hex multiplication.

In some cases, to work more efficiently, you need to convert from decimal to hexadecimal. Here are some conversion rules you need to know:

Convert decimal to hexadecimal

Hexadecimal is a coefficient that uses 16 digits and letters. To represent a decimal using ten digits to 16 hex numbers, you must divide the number by 16.

If the obtained quotient exceeds 16, find the decimal equivalent and continue dividing. When the quotient is less than 16, you can stop and get your hexadecimal number. In the case of the decimals you need to convert starting from 0, you will have to increase these hex numbers as powers.

Convert from hex to decimal

If you have previous experience converting from binary to decimal, you should have no trouble converting numbers from hexadecimal to binary.

First, you need to find the value per hex number. Then increment the hex numbers with powers. Finally, multiply by the digits and sum.

A Hex Calculator Benefits

There are quite a few reasons why you should use a hexadecimal calculator instead of performing decimal subtraction manually.


This online hexadecimal calculator is completely free. It will use sensors and various tools to give the correct hex value ​​quickly and for free.


This tool connects to the cloud system and fulfills all communication protocol requirements. People accessing this tool won't cause information security risks.

Wide application

The hexadecimal calculator works online on the website. So you can access the website with any device and perform calculations. Tool access is utterly unrestricted by the device's type or device configuration.

No registration

The online hexadecimal calculator is straightforward to use. You do not have to log in or register for a fee to use this tool. All you need to do is access the right platform and perform the desired hex addition.

No installation

Online hexadecimal calculators also do not require installation. It is quite an advantage worth considering, and you don't have to worry about the limited storage space that will make the building complex.


Finally, this calculator is relatively easy to use. Even if you have never been familiar with the hexadecimal tool, you can still fully master the instrument and perform hexadecimal calculations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is hex data used for?

The hexadecimal system is used quite widely in the computer-related field. In some cases, hexadecimal is often available to replace binary hex numbers.

For reasonably large binary numbers, the hexadecimal system can simplify these numbers and make reading, writing, and understanding simpler.

Hexadecimal is much more user-friendly for those who don't often work with binary. Compared with coefficients explicitly designed for computers, the hexadecimal system groups numbers together, making processing more efficient and straightforward.

How do you read a hex code?

When you read a hexadecimal code, you'll see a pound sign followed by a hex-to-decimal letter or number. Usually, the first two digits represent red. The following two letters indicate green, and the remaining two digits indicate blue.

The decimal number system in hexadecimal has the same hex value ​​as in the decimal system. Meanwhile, letters A, B, C, D, E, and F in hexadecimal will have the equivalent weight of 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, respectively.

Are hex codes universal?

Hex division code is a type of code that is widely available in the computer field. It encodes the RGB percentage hex value for each red, green, and blue color.

This code type is used sparingly in life. However, it is pretty standard in the cryptographic world.

How many hex codes are there?

If we consider only the standard #RRGGBB notation, there are 256^3 color combinations. It is also equivalent to about 16,777,216 hex codes. R RR, GG, and BB color values will contain about 256 sub-values.

Who uses hexadecimal?

People who work with binary digits will use the hexadecimal number system simultaneously. This type is more user-friendly. Even hexadecimal numbers can represent up to 4 bits in binary. Due to the above advantages, software developers or designers often use the binary system.

Why do we use hex instead of decimal value?

Its most significant advantage is its compactness. A number in Hexadecimal value can include 4 bits of information in binary. When you use it in a computer system, this advantage helps users to store more data.

Compact Hexadecimal value also simplifies input/output handling. Also, due to its flexible conversion, computer programmers often use the hexadecimal factor.


Hexadecimal numbers are used quite widely in the computer field. If you are not an expert in this field but still want to do math and conversions, the hex calculator will be a powerful tool you should not miss.

Hopefully, through the article sharing, you better understand how to use the hexadecimal number calculator. I hope you take advantage of this tool and simplify your workflow. Thank you for taking the time to read the post!