Octal to Hexadecimal

Convert Octal to Hexadecimal: An Ultimate Guide For Everyone

Octal and hex numbers are vital for representing and working with data. Thus, converting octal to hexadecimal is crucial to understanding and using these number systems. This guide aims to make the process easy. Whether a student or a coder, this guide will teach you how to convert octal numbers to hex.

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Overview Of The Octal Number System

The octal system is a way of writing numbers using only eight digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7). It was in old computers that had 8-bit groups of data.

Each digit's value depends on its position in the number in octal. The rightmost digit is ones; the next is eights, then sixty-fours, and so on.

Besides, you can convert octal numbers to binary easily. Each octal digit represents three binary digits. For example, 17 in octal is 001 111 in binary.

In computer coding, I use it for representing file permissions (like who can read, write, or execute files). Also, I use it for memory addresses and machine instructions in older computers.

Nowadays, octal is not so popular. People mostly use decimal (base 10), binary (base 2), or hex (base 16) for most computer stuff.

But knowing octal is still helpful for learning about older systems and code. I usually work with decimal, binary, or hex numbers for regular computer work.

Overview Of Hex Number System

The hex number system uses 16 digits: 0 to 9 and A to F. Each digit in hex represents a power of 16, like 1s, 16s, 256s, and so on.

In computer coding, hex is helpful for memory addresses and binary data. One digit in hex represents four binary digits.

Besides, converting it to binary or decimal is easy. For example, A2 in hex is 10100010 in binary and 162 in decimal.

Besides, I use it in computer graphics for colors. It's a convenient way to show the RGB values of a color.

I recommend learning about it because it's common in coding, digital systems, and computers. It helps work with binary data efficiently.

Why To Convert Octal To Hexadecimal?

Converting Octal to Hex is a vital skill in the computer field. Here's what you need to know about its benefits!

Simplification Of Large Numbers

Converting from octal to hex helps make big numbers simpler in computers. When dealing with lots of data or memory addresses, octal gets long and hard to work with. 

By converting from octal to hex, I can make the number shorter and easier to use on computers.

Octal uses a base-8 system, so it needs more digits for bigger numbers. But hex uses a base-16 system, where one digit can cover more values. 

Also, the hex system uses digits from 0 to 9 and A to F. Thus, it can represent a broad range with fewer digits.

In short, converting from octal to hex simplifies big numbers, makes them easier to understand, and boosts computers' efficiency.

Work With Modern Systems

Modern coding languages and tools understand hex well. You can find it in machine instructions and low-level system operations. So I can use hex values directly in my code without any hassle.

Besides, hex is widely used in digital systems like computer networks and file formats. It's the preferred way to represent byte values. These values are essential for smooth connection across different systems.

So, by converting octal to hex, I ensure that numbers work well with modern computers. This benefit makes it easier to process data, perform calculations, and have everything run smoothly in today's computer systems.

Conversion Ease

Hex works well with the computer's language called binary. Each hex digit represents four binary digits, so I can easily switch between octal, hex, and binary numbers.

So, by converting octal to hex, I get shorter, easier-to-read numbers that match binary and are supported by coding languages and computer systems.

How To Convert Octal To Hex?

There are many ways to convert octal to hex. Knowing these ways will make this process easier for you. Let's explore together!

Use Binary Conversion

Here's my simple guide on how to manually convert octal to hex:

1/ Group octal digits: Start from the rightmost digit of the octal number and group them into set-of-threes. If there are extra digits at the left, group them accordingly.

2/ Convert each group to binary: Take each group of three octal digits and convert them to binary using the binary table.

3/ Pad with zeros: If any group of binary digits has fewer than four digits, add zeros at the left to make it four digits long.

4/ Convert binary to hex: Take each group of four binary digits. Then, convert them to hexa using the table.

5/ Concatenate the hex groups: Join the converted hex groups from left to right to get the final hex representation.

Example: Let's convert the octal number 346 to hex.

  • 3 (octal) = 011 (binary)
  • 4 (octal) = 100 (binary)
  • 6 (octal) = 110 (binary)

Grouping the binary digits: 011 100 110 = 01110 0110

Converting binary to hex: E 6

So, the octal number 346 is equivalent to the hex number E6.

Use Decimal Conversion

Besides converting to binary, another way is to convert to decimal. But this way is much more complicated than using the binary system. So I do not recommend it. Yet, for those who want to learn about this method, follow these steps:

1/ Write down the octal number (the same as how you use binary)

2/ Convert octal to decimal: Treat the octal number as a decimal number and convert it to decimal using the positional value of each digit. Multiply each digit by 8 raised to the power of its position, starting from the rightmost digit.

3/ Convert decimal to hex: Take the decimal number obtained from the previous step and convert it to hex. Divide the decimal number by 16 repeatedly, noting down the remainder. The remainder will be the hex digits, with 10 represented as A, 11 as B, and so on.

4/ Write the hex: Write down the hex digits obtained from the previous step in reverse order. These digits represent the equivalent hex number.

Let's reuse the above example of converting 346 to hex using decimal conversion.

3 * 8^2 + 4 * 8^1 + 6 * 8^0 = 216 + 32 + 6 = 230 (decimal)

230 / 16 = 14 remainders 6, so the hexadecimal digit is 6.

14 / 16 = 0 remainders 14, so the hexadecimal digit is E.

The equivalent hexadecimal number is E6.

Use Converter Octal To Hexadecimal

Converting octal to hex is made easier with the help of online tools. Let's see how to use it!

1/ Find a reliable online tool: Search for an online converter and choose one that is reputable and user-friendly.

2/ Access the online tool: Open the website or webpage of the chosen online converter tool.

3/ Enter the octal number: In the provided input box or field, enter the octal number you want to convert to hexadecimal.

4/ Initiate the conversion: Look for a button or option such as "Convert" or "Convert Now." Click on it to start the conversion process.

5/ Observe the result: The online tool will quickly process the input and display the hex equivalent of the octal number you entered. It may appear in a separate output box or field.

6/ Review and use the result: Verify the converted hex number and ensure it matches your expectations. You can copy the result for further use in your work if accurate.

The online tool automates the conversion process, saving you time and effort. Ensure you choose a reliable tool to ensure accurate results.

In addition, many other tools in our Number Converter Tools category may be helpful to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is converting Octal to Hex possible?

The answer is yes. Both octal and hex are number systems commonly used in computing.

How do you convert Octal to Hex without Decimals?

You can directly map each octal digit to its hex equivalent with a conversion table. For example, octal 6 corresponds to hex 6, and octal 7 corresponds to hex 7, and so on. Besides, for numbers over 20, you can use binary or an online tool like I have shown.

What is 651.124 octal in Hex?

The octal number 651.124 does not have a direct representation in hex because octal includes decimals, but the hex system does not. 

If you need to convert octal with decimals to the hex system, you would convert the integer part to hex and leave the fractional part as is.

How to convert 123 Octal to Hex?

To convert octal 123 to hex, you would first convert it to binary and then convert the binary to hexadecimal. Octal 123 is equivalent to hex 53.

What is the main advantage of using a Hex number system over Binary Octal and Decimal?

Hex provides a more compact representation of binary data. It uses fewer digits to represent the same amount of information. So it is easier for humans to read and work with large binary numbers.


My guide has taught you how to convert octal to hexadecimal in simple steps. Keep practicing and exploring! And you'll become more skilled in handling octal and hexadecimal numbers. 

With this knowledge, you can tackle various tasks involving these number systems. Thanks for following this post of mine!