TDEE Calculator


TDEE Calculator Overview: All That You Need To Know

Are you looking for the proper nutrition for your physique to meet your athletic goals? You need to know your total energy expenditure or calories burned per day through the TDEE calculator.

You can achieve faster weight gain by taking in more than this amount. On the contrary, for successful weight loss, you must keep the calories in your body from crossing the line suggested by this tool.

However, it is challenging to measure how many calories TDEE is with a calculator because of its day-to-day variation. For an accurate and efficient estimation of how many calories to handle with this device, let's check out my guide below!

What Is TDEE?

To put it simply, TDEE is the total daily energy expenditure of the human body. It calculates calories consumed based on three main factors: BMR, body activity level, and food metabolism thermic effect.

BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate

Basal Metabolic Rate (abbreviated as BMR) is a parameter that indicates the calories that the human body burns at rest. Human TDEE has the most significant BMR ratio.

For the digestive system to be inactive, that is, to rest effectively, you need to fast for 12 hours and make sure the outside temperature is neutral.

Activity Level

To maintain basal levels, the body of people who exercise regularly tends to expend more energy (calories). That said, if you exercise regularly or maintain an active lifestyle, you will burn more calories than if you are sedentary.

There are several standard ranges for determining coefficients and operating frequencies, such as:



Lightly active

Moderately active


Very active

Exercise frequency


Three days/week

3-5 days/week

6-7 days/week

Regular and hard work all week

Food metabolism thermic effect

While metabolizing food, the body will need to expend a certain amount of energy to run this process smoothly. The TDEE calculator provides an equation called the Mifflin-St Jeor to account for your body's calorie burn and measure how many calories you need with TDEE.

Why Calculate Total Daily Energy Expenditure?

Even at rest, you need to use up some calories to maintain bodily functions. Calculating Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is essential, as it helps you know your daily calorie intake. Then you can come up with an effective adjustment plan in any situation.

If you are active or physically active, enter essential data such as activity intensity and training time. The TDEE calculator will provide beneficial results and recommendations to tailor your diet to your goals.

Tips And Tricks to calculated TDEE

Once you understand the TDEE's meaning and importance, it's time to calculate your body's TDEE calculation. If you are wondering how to calculate total daily energy expenditure, don't worry, I will guide you in this section.

Determining TDEE usually begins with a BMR estimate of how many calories the body's basal metabolic rate is. This calculation will be based on equations for physical characteristics such as gender, age, height, and weight. You can quickly come across some of the following equations:

  • Mifflin St-Jeor

  • Harris-Benedict

  • The Katch-McArdle Formula

The percentage of lean and fat in the human body is very different. Hence, depending on specific conditions, each equation or formula will have a certain accuracy rate. For example, Katch-McArdle is ideal for calculating metabolic activity in lean people.

After determining the basal metabolic rate (BMR), you must multiply it by the activity coefficient indicated in the data table above to calculate TDEE. Reread it to make sure the multiplication is correct for losing weight.

In addition to BMR, you may need to consider thermal transformation from food. Many people often need to pay more attention to this parameter because it affects total daily energy expenditure less than BMR and activity coefficient.

TDEE Formula

Whether you use the TDEE calculator to lose weight, keep weight, or gain lean body mass, choosing the right calculation formula is essential. I recommend two central tenets to you: Mifflin-St Jeor and Katch-McArdle.

These formulas estimate how many calories only to calculate, which will come with about a 10 percent error. Hence, I recommend checking and regularly editing to ensure the most accurate results.

Mifflin-St Jeor

Mifflin-St Jeor gives an accurate estimate of how many calories your body burns each day:

For male:

  • TDEE = ((10 x Weight in KGs) + (6.25 x Height in CMs) - (5 x Age) + 5) x Activity Level

For female:

  • TDEE = ((10 x Weight in KGs) + (6.25 x Height in CMs) - (5 x Age) - 161) x Activity Level


The Katch-McArdle formula is ideal if you want to add your body fat percentage to your TDEE calculator. Unlike Mifflin-St Jeor, this formula applies to both men and women with the calculation equation:

  • TDEE = (370 + (21.6 x (Weight in KGs - (Body Fat % x Weight in KGs))))) x Activity Level

How Accurate Are TDEE Calculators?

The total daily energy expenditure calculators provide users with customized estimates based on body characteristics such as age, weight, and activity level.

Once you have your calculation results, you can determine the calories you need to consume to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

So is this device accurate in calculating TDEE?

The truth is no. It is an estimate only, as calories consumed per day vary widely. However, the total daily energy expenditure calculator will help you track your daily calorie burn progress and make more informed dietary choices.

It also suggests adjusting calories up or down depending on your weight changes. For example, to gain muscle weight, you need to take in more calories than you burn and vice versa.

TDEE Calculator Parameters

In addition to basal metabolic rate and TDEE, the TDEE calculator also includes several calculation parameters, including:

  • Body Mass Index (BMI): BMI describes the state of the body, as usual, underweight, overweight, or obese. The formula is as follows:

BMI = Weight/height squared

(The unit for weight is pounds, and height is meter.)

  • Lean body mass (LBM): LBM includes tendons, muscles, bones, muscular ligaments, water, and internal organs. These ingredients are not easy to change and do not contain body fat.

  • Fat mass (FBM): This parameter indicates the amount of fat present in the body.

  • Waist to Height (WTH): A healthy person's waist circumference ratio to height usually ranges between 0.4 - 0.49. From 0.5 and up, people are at risk for health problems.

  • Maximum Fat Metabolism (MFM)

  • Rest calorie intake to lose weight

  • Workout calories to gain or lose weight

The Best Way To Reach Fitness Goals

Indeed reaching the fitness goal is what you or anyone wants to aim for after calculating total daily energy expenditure (TDEE). Here are the most valuable measures you should consider:

  • First, you will easily track body metrics such as BMI, LBM, and FBM. From there, it's easy to check for changes in body composition and choose the proper diet and exercise regimen for your weight loss needs.

  • Next, you can quickly estimate the daily calorie burn from exercise and rest. The TDEE calculator also provides helpful recommendations for maximum fat metabolism (MFM) and fewer calories per day (MRDC) to calculate TDEE:

  • MFM describes the calorie deficit you need to achieve to meet your ultimate fat-body mass loss needs without sacrificing lean body mass. This parameter is handy for those trying to lose weight.

  • MRDC is the recommended calorie you should aim for daily to increase lean body mass.

  • Lastly, the TDEE calorie calculator also explains how long it will take to reach your final weight goal.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is considered heavy exercise for TDEE?

Heavy exercise is the ideal solution to help you burn the most calories you burn. Specifically, it will burn more than 750 calories for an average adult and weight person.

Many studies show that this exercise is equivalent to running for more than 2 hours a day throughout the week at 6 km/h to lose weight.

What is the most accurate TDEE calculator?

That said, Mifflin-St Jeor gives more accurate results to calculate TTDEE if you know your body fat percentage in advance. In contrast, Katch-McArdle is the option that provides the most accuracy.

What is the total daily energy expenditure for weight loss?

The total daily energy expenditure for weight loss refers to the energy expenditure per day on the human body. The components and activities that use these calories include life-sustaining work, brain function, digestive system, respiratory system, and athletic losing weight performance.

How do you calculate daily TDEE?

Calculating total daily energy expenditure is very simple. You need to add all the parameters like basal metabolic rate, TEF, NEAT, and TEA together. The results will tell you how many calories burned your body needs daily to maintain body weight.

Should I use BMR or TDEE to lose weight?

The answer is total daily energy expenditure. While basal metabolic rate is an important parameter related to calorie burn, it does not provide information about the calories burned for successful weight loss.

Based on research results and examining helpful reviews, I've found that people need to eat fewer calories, 15 to 20% less than their total daily energy expenditure if they want to lose weight.


TDEE calculator is good and more accurate than most others available. This support tool is free, user-friendly, and easy to use. It also displays quick results right on the screen of your accessing device.

Finally, once you know how many calories you burn, it's time to implement strategies to achieve your fitness and nutrition goals.

My above sharing and explanations have helped you to understand how to use the TDEE calculator with effective calculation formulas.

Thank you for reading and following!