BMR Calculator


BMR Calculator Methodology For Weight Loss

While losing weight or building lean body mass, you must calculate exactly how many calories you should consume. And to get the calories you need to meet your training needs, BMR is the metric you need to pay attention to.

Calculating the basal metabolic rate, you will have a basis to adjust your nutrition and exercise regimen. The BMR calculator will help you complete the complex calculation task if you have never worked with basal metabolism. Let's see how this device can help you in this article!

What Is BMR?

BMR stands for basal metabolic rate. This parameter represents the calories you will burn when wholly open and inactive for 24 hours.

This parameter does not include the calories you burn when performing the simplest daily activities, such as moving or exercising. It sums up the daily energy expenditure required by basic activities such as breathing and maintaining heart rate.

What Does A Healthy BMR Mean?

Each person will have a different basal metabolic rate. This index calculates how many calories the body needs to perform involuntary functions such as breathing and pumping blood. Therefore, your living habits usually do not affect this index.

Yet, the BMR will increase relative to the average for people with high lean body mass. To maintain body burns incontinence, the body will need more energy.

Another parameter related to basal metabolic rate is TDEE, total daily energy consumption. This metric combines your basal metabolic rate and your 24-hour activity level.

TDEE will depend heavily on your age, gender, and activity level. However, TDEE is not the most accurate parameter for calculating BMR. For absolute accuracy, you will have to perform laboratory tests.

What Is The Difference Between BMR And RMR?

Both BMR and RMR stand for "resting metabolic rate." These two parameters are also often quite similar and interchangeable. However, BMR and RMR still have specific differences.

Basal metabolic rate is a parameter that measures the amount of energy the body uses to maintain essential activities such as breathing, regulating body temperature, and circulating blood.

Meanwhile, the Resting metabolic rate calculates the energy expended by simple daily activities such as walking, dressing, brushing teeth, and eating.

Because of the above difference, RMR is usually slightly higher than BMR.

Relationship Between Activity, Weight Loss, And BMR

The basal metabolic rate has a direct relationship with your daily activity level. In particular, exercise will help increase heart rate, causing the body to need more calories to maintain basic activities.

For example, when you are sedentary and do not exercise regularly, your chlorine needs will follow the formula BMR*1.2. Meanwhile, if you do regular high-intensity exercise at least three times a week, your calorie needs will be higher according to the formula BMR*1.725.

BMR Calculator Methodology

If you understand the basic BMR principle, it is easy to calculate this parameter yourself. Yet, to save time and get accurate results, you should look to the BMR calculator. These tools use the BMR formula to give the most accurate results.

Harris-Benedict formula

It is the first formula for calculating BMR. And to this day, this formula, perfected in 1984, is still one of the most popular calculation methods.

For men, BMR is calculated using the formula 13,397W + 4,799H - 5,677A + 88,362. For women, BMR = 9,247W + 3.098H - 4,330A + 447,593.

Accordingly, W is the weight, H is the height, and A is the age.

Mifflin-St Jeor formula

Mifflin-St Jeor Equation is also a commonly used formula. It is pretty helpful but more accurate than the Harris-Benedict Formula. In particular, when applying this formula to obese people, the results received raise many questions about accuracy.

However, there are still quite a few BMR calculators that use the Mifflin-St Jeor formula.

According to Mifflin-St Jeor, men's BMR results from the 10W + 6.25 H - 5A + 5 calculation.

Meanwhile, women's BMR results from the calculation 10W + 6.25 H - 5A - 161.

The BMR Calculator Advantages

There are many reasons why you should know your BMR number. Understanding your basal metabolic rate will help you know your body fat percentage to improve your health and fitness goals.

The basal metabolic rate also brings many other benefits, such as:

BMR and weight loss

The critical principle of weight loss is to consume fewer calories than you should in your daily routine. Once a weight loss goal is determined, calculate your basal metabolic rate BMR to estimate your body's energy requirements and lose weight accurately.

The calculation results will help you make an effective eating and training plan, thereby better controlling your body weight and fat-free mass.

Meal planning

When you know your BMR, you will have a scientific basis to change your eating habits. You will change your eating habits by calculating the main meal plan and snacking with several calories per your body's needs.

In particular, this method will require a relaxed diet with boring starchy, and fatty meals.

Increased lean muscle mass strength

If you want to combine weight loss, the body burns growth with fat-free mass and control your calorie intake, and you will have to exercise more.

And during exercise, you will also have to add enough nutrients to support muscle growth. To ensure this supplement is consistent with your weight loss plan, use your BMR to estimate how many calories you'll burn during exercise to lose weight.

Managing chronic disease

Some chronic diseases, such as endometriosis, require patients to limit their calorie intake. And to meet your body's energy needs without compromising on chronic illness, you'll need to calculate your basal metabolic rate BMR correctly.

Other benefits

Besides weight control and diet planning, BMR offers several health benefits.

BMR helps you calculate the number of calories consumed. Knowing your body's metabolic rate correctly and managing your weight well will indirectly improve your cardiovascular health.

BMR also helps you kick unhealthy eating habits. When considering your BMR and advice from a nutritionist, you can completely design a scientific meal that provides adequate energy but does not cause obesity and other diseases.

Ultimately, knowing your BMR will be critical in helping you achieve your dream body and health. Knowing how many calories burned you need will help you change your lifestyle, eating, and exercise habits for better health and happiness.

Variables That Impact BMR

Although the formulas are highly accurate, your results are precise only under laboratory conditions. Quite a few factors influence a person's BMR results to lose weight.


BMR calculates the fewer calories burned to maintain essential bodily functions such as respiration and metabolism. And as you age, your metabolism slows down. Children, on the other hand, have a higher energy requirement for growth and temperature maintenance.

Therefore, age is the most obvious influence on BMR to lose weight. Older people will have lower BMR than younger people.

Muscle mass

Power requires more energy for fat and muscle mass of the same weight.

People with a high muscle mass will burn kilojoules quickly. They will therefore require more energy, resulting in a higher BMR.

In contrast, fat cells burn fewer kilojoules. Therefore, the BMR in people with a high body fat percentage will be lower than the norm.


People with long-term dietary habits will have a reasonably low BMR. The reason is that dieting, starving, or fasting will slow the body's metabolism, reducing BMR by up to 15%.

Meanwhile, people with a high BMR will often eat several small meals a day with more lean body mass.


Certain stimulants, drugs, or supplements will cause a higher BMR than those who don't. In particular, caffeine is the ingredient that has the most substantial impact on BMR.


Pregnant women need to provide enough nutrition for themselves and the fetus. Therefore, it is easy to understand that the BMR of these subjects is higher than the average.


During prolonged low temperatures, the body will have to use more energy to regulate body fat and temperature. And using more power even when the body is at rest will cause the BMR to rise.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the basal metabolic rate calculator. If you have the same question, check out my complete answers below:

What is a good BMR for my age?

For men between the ages of 30 and 39, the ideal BMR is 39.5. This number is 36.5 for women.

Meanwhile, men and women aged 40 - 49 will have a BMR of 38.5 and 36.5, respectively, slightly lower than people aged 30 - 39.

What is the BMR average?

On average, a man will have a BMR of about 7,100 kJ/24 hours. It is about 5,900 kJ/24 hours for women.

Which basal metabolic rate calculator is best?

Mifflin-St Jeor is a highly accurate, widely used calculation formula. Yet, it will be more precise to use with thinner people.

What is the ideal BMR for females?

The ideal women's BMR is in the range of 1550 calories per day. This number will vary depending on her health status and lifestyle habits.

How do I calculate my BMR for weight loss?

You can find the BMR calculator to lose weight. You can also use the following formula to calculate your BMR:

  • Men's BMR results from the calculation: 10W + 6.25 H - 5A + 5.

  • Women's BMR results from the analysis: 10W + 6.25 H - 5A - 161.


Everyone should know their BMR. It will help you change your living, eating, and exercising habits to get healthy and your dream body.

Through the above sharing, you better understand the BMR calculator to calculate your basal metabolic rate accurately.

Thank you for reading!