Month Calculator

What Is The Month Calculator?

If you've ever worked on reports or contracts, you must have had trouble calculating month-to-date intervals at least once. The rule for missing or leap months is the most severe difficulty in calculating the number of months between two dates.

But with the monthly calculator, you no longer have to worry about these problems. With this tool, you can complete any calculation task in just a short time. Let's see how to use it now!

What Is a Month Calculator?

A month calculator is a tool that supports counting fractional months according to the most straightforward principles.

This tool will help you estimate how many months it takes between two dates.

In some cases, you can use this calculator to perform addition and subtraction calculations and get results for your work.

Formula to calculate month

Calculating months is easier than you think. Nowadays, even the most popular models of calculators use a simple date addition and subtraction formula.

These tools also support calculating the percentage change in a factor between two past and present dates. To find this parameter, the dates calculator uses the year and month formula:

  • The monthly rate of change = ((Current figures / Last month figures) -1) x100.

  • For Excel, you must enter the column B formula: (Current figures ÷ Data from last month) -100%.

Calendar type available with monthly calculator

Most computers that calculate months between two dates now use the Gregorian solar calendar.

This type first appeared in 1582. To this day, it is still widely available in many countries around the world.

The main feature of the solar calendar is that a year will consist of 12 months. A standard year has 365 days, and a leap year has 366 days. Significant events, such as spring and summer, are closely related to the earth's orbit around the sun.

How to use a monthly calculator

It is easy for you to get used to and take advantage of the features of the month calculator.

If you want to estimate the month between two events, follow the steps below:

  • In the first field, enter the start date and year.

  • In the following area, join the end date.

  • Press the estimate button to get the result as the month gap between the two dates.

  • If you want to calculate the month from a specific date in the past to the current time, the operations will be similar. The difference is that in the "Start Date" field, select "Current Date."

Month calculation notes

If you want to calculate the month from year to year, you can apply the basic rules in the dates calculator above.

However, in case you want to calculate by hand, here are the notes you need to pay attention to:

  • If you want to calculate the total number of months between two dates, a leap year, or a whole month, missing won't affect you too much. For example, even in a leap year, the gap between February 1 and July 31 is always six months.

  • However, in some cases, the number of months will be different. For example, the same is 150 days, and the gap between January 1 and May 31 is five months. Meanwhile, the date gap between January 1 in leap years and May 30 is only four months.

  • It would help if you did not use the monthly calculator for performance comparisons in exceptional cases. Some metrics like ad budget won't be suitable for monthly comparisons. Instead, you'll need to use a calculator with a longer time frame to make quarterly or yearly comparisons.

Benefit Of Month Calculator

The calculator works on a relatively simple principle and formula. Yet, it has high applicability, especially in the business field.

Calculate the exact month between the two given dates

The essential feature of this time calculator is to calculate months between two certain events, start date, and end date.

Calculation results will tell you the full months between two dates, from which you can plan or execute reports to the end day.

Plan and organize your time

As mentioned, once you know the month between the two events, you'll be able to proceed with planning and timing.

For example, you estimate it will take about five months to complete a goal. And using the month calculator, you will determine the exact time to complete the task.

Once you have a deadline, you can plan and schedule the time to complete the task ahead of time.

This feature will also help people who often travel for work or love long trips. The month counter will help estimate the time interval between two dates, helping you to master your schedule.

Performance evaluation

For individuals, the total number of months calculator between dates is quite a valuable tool to help you evaluate your work performance.

All you need to do is record your performance and achievements for the past month and now. Then, enter the data into the monthly calculator to check your current job processing ability.

This dated function of the monthly calculator will help you visually evaluate your performance and progress til the end date.

Serving for making reports

In addition to applying to individuals, the performance evaluation support feature can also be available in business environments.

You'll use metrics that measure your company's current performance and compare it with figures for the same period in the previous month or year. The monthly calculator's numbers will visually demonstrate the company's growth or decline.

Yet, when making reports related to business activities, you need to pay attention to external environmental factors. At different times, customers will react to sales and marketing campaigns differently.

Therefore, not in all cases comparing current figures with the same period last month will help you to complete a report on the company's development trends.

Frequently Asked Questions

A month calculator is highly applicable in daily life and business. Yet, it's only valid if you understand how to use this tool. And here are some answers to frequently asked questions about the month calculator.

What if the first date comes after the second?

Most online month calculators today allow users to enter dates in any order. The formula they use will work fine even if the date order changes.

Why does a year difference (or multiple) show less than a multiple of twelve months?

The reason is that the calculator will not estimate the last date in the timeframe. You will have to mark a later date in different formulas to avoid calculation errors.

How do you use the monthly calculator?

If you have used the dates and weeks calculator before, it is easy to use the month calculator.

To find the time interval between two certain events, enter the tool's start and end date fields, respectively. After pressing "estimate," the calculator will return the full months by date function.

Does the calculator include leap years?

The answer is yes. Calculation results of the month calculator include leap years.

Alternatively, if you want to increase accuracy, you can use a leap-year calculator. This tool will help you check whether a year is a leap year. It also supports performing calculations with dates according to your requirements.

What's a helpful way to use the two dates between calculators?

You can use it to estimate the days that overlap between two events and things with dated functions.

For example, Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926, and died on August 4, 1962, while Madonna was born on August 16, 1958. Their lives coincided with 1,449 days, equivalent to about four years.

What is a leap year?

A leap year is a year with 366 ladder days because 265 is as usual. Leap years occur once every four years. This year, February will have 29 days instead of the usual 28.

The Gregorian calendar calculates time according to the sun. The earth revolves around the sun for 365 days and 6 hours.

However, the calendar can only specify an average year with 365 days.

After four years, the accumulated excess hours will correspond to one day. This day is placed on February 29.

Leap years arose from the need to adjust the time in the calendar in harmony with the sidereal year and the seasonal year.

When is a leap year?

The Gregorian calendar stipulates that years will occur every four years. All Gregorian calendar years that are divisible by four are leap years. Also, these years are full century years that are divisible by 400.

For example, the years 1600 and 2000 are divisible by 400 as a year with 366 days.


You can thoroughly estimate the distance between the months between two dates manually. Yet, the calculation process will take a long time, especially when you have exceptional cases like leap years.

And monthly calculator will help you save time and effort. It quickly gives accurate results and supports your planning and reporting process well.

Hopefully, through the above sharing, you have understood how to use this simple and helpful tool. Wish you soon master the monthly calculator to work more efficiently.