Percentage Calculator

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Percentage Calculator: Guide For All Calculation Type

A percentage calculator is indispensable if you want the exact answer to the question, "What is the percentage of X of Y?"

It also allows you to calculate percentages in every aspect of your life, such as income taxes, body fat, and statistics.

In this article, let's check out percentage formulas, how to use the percentage calculator, and discover many other helpful tips. After reading my sharing and analysis, you will find what you need.

Percentage Formula Overview

People often calculate percentages or ratios to represent a relationship between two or more numbers. I appreciate the convenience of the percentage method.

It describes every situation in practice involving large numbers.

Practical applications for this method include calculating body water density, lottery winning odds, and the ratio of O2, N2, and NO2 in the air.

Percentage calculations give results with units of %. However, a few are denoted by pct. How it is expressed will depend on the problem requirements and your actual use.

How to find the percentage?

A percentage represents the relationship between two or more different parameters. Let's say we have the number A equal to 30% of B, which means that A equals 30 units while B is 100 units.

How to determine the percentage change of one, two, or more factors? Using a percentage calculator will help you calculate quickly and accurately.

You must also understand how this device works to ensure correct and efficient calculations. To make it easier to understand, let's consider the example.

A student group consists of 10, including two girls and eight boys. What is the percentage of female students?

We need to divide the female members by the total number of people in the group. Thus, the final ratio we get is 2/10.

Determining the percentage is very simple because you need to multiply the fraction you found by 100 and then add the "%" sign. So our final answer is 2/10 * 100% = 20%.

What's the percentage formula?

You cannot always use your computer or phone to access this tool. Accordingly, it's great that you master math operations and master them in any situation.

Below, I will provide you with information about the percentage formula as well as give some examples to apply this formula.

There are three basic percentage formulas:

  • Equation for percentage: Percentage = 100 * part / whole
  • Formula for a part: Part = whole * percentage / 100
  • Formula for a whole: Whole = 100 * part / percentage

Percentage Increase And Decrease Calculator Overview

Percentage increase and decrease calculators are other concepts for percentage calculation. In the next section, I will explain these two operations more clearly.

Keep reading to understand!

Percentage increase

The percentage increase calculator is the ideal tool to help you calculate the gain from one absolute value to another by a certain ratio in a simple way.

Let's learn how to calculate percent change/increase, formula, and examples.

Calc percent increase

A percentage increase means the increase in the total value divided into 100 equal parts. For example, a 5% increase shows that the matter in question has added five pieces to the 100 parts from the original value.

Percent increase formula

We have a percent increase formula:

Percent Increase = [(New value - Original value) / Original value] * 100

There are three stages to perform in the above formula:

  • Step 1: Take the new value minus the original value. We get the result of the increased percentage value between the two numbers to compare.
  • Step 2: Divide the result you just found by the original absolute value
  • Step 3: Multiply the result in step 2 by 100, and you get the final answer in increase.


Now, dive into a specific example to better understand this percentage increase formula. Let's say we have an investment of $1,350, which grows to $1,440 in the next year. Can you determine the percent increase of this investment?

To answer this example, follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Calculate the gain: 1.440 - 1,350 = 90
  • Step 2: Divide the increment by the initial absolute value: 90/1350 = 1/15
  • Step 3: Calculate percentage change/increase: 1/15 * 100 = 6.667

In the end, the answer we have is: 6.667%

Percentage decrease

If you are looking for a solution to measure the decreasing value of a variable (cost, profit, and population), a percentage decrease is a solid choice.

The information below is all you need to calculate this ratio quickly.

Percentage decrease formula

The formula and calculation procedure for percentage decrease is similar to percentage increase. Yet, it has some minor changes:

Percentage Decrease = [(Original value - New value) / Original value] * 100

The way to calculate the percentage reduction will follow the guides as follows:

  • Step 1: Calculate difference = Original value - New value
  • Step 2: Take the result of step 1 and divide the Original value
  • Step 3: Finally, multiply the result of step 2 by 100


You can consider the following example:

We have a $1,899 stock investment value. Due to market volatility, after one year, the value of this investment drops to $1,450. So, what is the percent decrease?

Applying the formula to calculate the percent decrease, we have the calculation:

[(1.899 - 1,450) / 1,899] *100 = 23,644

Thus, the percentage decrease for this investment is 23.644%

Meaning Of Percent Change Calculator

Whether it is increasing or decreasing, you only need to care about the change in the value of one or more variables in many cases. If you are in a similar dilemma, I recommend using the percent change calculator.

Continue scrolling down to learn the most helpful information about this support tool and how to calculate percent change.

Calculator use

The percent change calculator allows you to quantify the change a unit performs, increasing or decreasing from one number to another and vice versa.

This calculation you usually use when the order has new (initial value) or old (end) values.

Specifically, an increase in quantity describes positive changes, while a negative change reflects a decrease in value.

Percentage change formula

The percentage change formula could be:

Percentage Change = (Original value - New value) / | Original value | x 100

For more details, consider a change between two variables: V1 = -25 and V2 = -50.

According to the above theoretical formula, we have the following:

Percentage Change = ( -25 - -50 ) / | -25 | x 100 = 100 %

Thus, from V1 to V2, there is a 100% chance, equivalent to a 100% increase.

If your result is a negative number, it is a decreasing change.

Percentage Difference Calculator

You need to use the percentage difference calculator to compare values between two numbers if you want to avoid calculating their percentage change calculator.

When talking about percent difference, we first need to have two different numbers, for example, 12 and 28. It is easy to see the difference between these two numbers is 16 units. The question is how to simulate the number 16 into percentage difference.

Next, we need a reference, which can be the average of 12 and 28 or the number in between.

I have summarized the steps to calculate the percentage difference as follows:

  • Step 1: Calculate the absolute difference of 2 numbers in the above example; we have: 12-28=16
  • Step 2: Perform the arithmetic mean: 12 + 282=20
  • Step 3: Divide the absolute difference by the mean, and we get the fraction: 16/20
  • Step 4: Calculating percentage change/difference by multiplying the result in step 3 by 100

In short, we have the general percent difference formula between two numbers, a and b, as follows:

Percentage difference= ( | a - b | / ( a + b ) / 2 ) x 100

Frequently Asked Questions

What is percent in math?

In math, percent represents a fraction after multiplying by 100 and adding a percent sign (%) next to the result. For example, if you get 85 questions correct out of 100 on the test, which equates to 85/100, you've completed 85% correctly.

What can I calculate with a percentage calculator?

The percentage calculator allows users to quickly and accurately process values in different situations and fields.

It mainly provides quick support for calculations such as chemical reactions, physics, cost of sales, income tax, inflation rate, and purchase discount.

In short, this tool supports determining the percentage for any number.

Is the percentage difference equal to the percentage change calculator?

The short answer is no. Percentage difference and percentage change calculator are entirely different concepts.

The reference point in the percentage difference calculation is usually the average or the midpoint of two numbers. In contrast, percentage change uses 1 of the two numbers to be calculated as reference percentage points.

Finally, the percentage change calculator is a directional comparison, while the percentage difference formula is not.

How do you find 70 percent of a number?

To find 70% of a number, multiply that number by 70. Then divide the result by 100 to get the final answer.

What is the average raise percentage change for 2022?

In about ten years, from 2002 to 2022, the basic salary paid to employees tends to increase by 3%. In fact, in May 2022, this number rose to 4.8% (according to the survey results of Pearl Meyer).


Calculating the percentage is not just a measurement but also the best solution to numerical comparison problems.

In this article, I have presented percentage calculation types, calculation formulas, and some good examples of effectively using a percentage calculator.

This information will help you better navigate the upheavals or changes in your life to find the best solution. Thanks for reading!